Journeys to York Factory DVD
Journeys to York Factory DVD
a film by Kevin Nikkel
44:00 | Documentary | Colour, B&W | June 2017
Language: English
“Join archaeologists, historians, elders and paddlers as they reflect on their trips to York Factory, a unique and fragile Canadian treasure that leaves a lasting impression.”
Exploring journeys to the historic site of York Factory, where the Hayes River empties into Hudson’s Bay. The names of those working for the HBC for over 270 years still haunt the walls. When the HBC abandoned the depot in 1957, First Nation’s communities were relocated inland, but they still call it home. York Factory continues to draw people year after year for gatherings and pilgrimages to this unique and fragile Canadian treasure.
For more information or if you have any questions or special requests please contact the Distribution Director, Monica Lowe: +1 (204) 925-3456 ext. 103 /
Shooting Locations
- 6 days, York Factory, MB, August 2015
- 2 days, Winnipeg, MB, Sept 2016
- 3 days, Fox Lake, MB, January 2017
- 4 days, Fox Lake, MB, Mar 2017
- 1 day, Thompson, MB, Apr 2017
About the Filmmaker
Kevin Nikkel is a writer / producer / director based in Winnipeg, Canada. He completed a Bachelor of Education at University of Manitoba and a Master of Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia. His dramatic, animated and documentary films have reached audiences internationally at festivals, on television and on the web. He is active in the film community of Winnipeg and a member of the Winnipeg Film Group. He juggles his time between filmmaking, parenting, and teaching.
What is Home use?
What is Home use?
The Home Use DVD is meant for private, home viewing only for individuals, including home schooling for up to 8 people. This DVD is not meant to be screened in front of a large group in a workshop, classroom or community setting. Please see the other use types if you wish to screen it publicly.
Any form of copying or altering of the format purchased is not permitted.
Thank you for supporting independent filmmakers and respecting their rights for proper compensation for their work. We return 70% of revenues to the artists.
What is Community use?
What is Community use?
This DVD is designed for non-profit and small community groups wishing to screen the film for free in an educational setting to groups of 50 people maximum.
Please contact us if you are screening to a larger audience or want to charge admission.
Thank you for respecting the independent artists who made this film.
What is Single Site use?
What is Single Site use?
This use includes K-12 and Public Libraries.
This DVD is priced to accommodate library borrowing and educational screenings within a single library, school, small office, or hospital.
Circulating outside the organization, institution, or office or to donate programs to other organizations or institutions are not included or permitted under this sale except for home borrowing at public libraries. Any form of copying or altering of the format purchased is not permitted.
Thank you for respecting the independent artists who made this film.
PUBLIC LIBRARIES – Please enquire about discounts for multiple copies purchased for branch libraries.
SCHOOL BOARDS – please purchase the Institutional DVD.
What is Institutional use?
What is Institutional use?
This DVD is priced in accordance with how many people could potentially watch it. At a large university or school board the potential of hundreds to thousands of viewers dictates this price. For library and instructional use in a workshop or classroom setting at a university or school board.
Circulation to multiple departments, institutions or offices within a jurisdiction such as schools within a school district or offices within a company is permitted. Any form of copying or altering of the format purchased is not permitted. Please contact us for streaming enquiries.
Thank you for respecting the independent artists who made this film.
For more information or if you have any questions or special requests please contact the Distribution Director, Jillian Groening:
+1 (204) 925-3456 ext. 105 /